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AreExplosion-ProofLightsAfraidofHighTemperatures|Výkonové charakteristiky

Výkonnostné charakteristiky

Sú nevýbušné svetlá, ktoré sa obávajú vysokých teplôt

v skutočnosti, tepelná odolnosť svietidiel v nevýbušnom prevedení má svoje limity. Napríklad, if a light’s casing can withstand temperatures up to 135°C, to znamená, že znesie vysoké teplo? That’s not necessarily true because the solder inside the light beads has a much lower temperature tolerance. Ak teplota exceeds 100°C, the beads might fall off. Preto, the casing temperature does not represent the internal temperature of the light, which is typically around 80°C.

In high-temperature environments like boiler rooms and paint baking rooms, boiler rooms generally don’t pose a problem, but paint baking rooms are definitely unsuitable.



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