Označenie do výbušného prostredia v svietidlách do výbušného prostredia je štítok, ktorý popisuje stupeň nevýbušnosti, teplotná skupina, typu, a príslušné oblasti svietidla.
Vysvetlenie označenia odolného proti výbuchu:
Podľa GB 3836 štandardy, súčasťou nevýbušného označenia svietidiel:
Typ odolný proti výbuchu + Kategória vybavenia + (plynárenskej skupiny) + teplotná skupina.
1. Typ odolný proti výbuchu:
Table 1 Basic Types of Explosion-Proof
Explosion proof form | Explosion proof form sign | Explosion proof form | Explosion proof form sign |
Nehorľavý typ | EX d | Sand filled type | EX q |
Typ so zvýšenou bezpečnosťou | EX e | Zapuzdrenie | EX m |
Barotropic type | EX p | N-typ | EX n |
Iskrovo bezpečný typ | EX ia EX i | Special type | EX s |
Typ ropnej invázie | EX o | Dust explosion-proof type | EX A EX B |
2. Kategória vybavenia:
Electrical equipment for výbušný gas atmospheres is divided into:
trieda I: For use in coal mines;
Trieda II: For use in explosive gas atmospheres other than coal mines.
Class II explosion-proof „d“ a vnútornú bezpečnosť „i“ electrical equipment are further divided into IIA, IIB, and IIC classes.
Electrical equipment for horľavý prach environments is divided into:
Type A dust-tight equipment; Type B dust-tight equipment;
Type A dust-proof equipment; Type B dust-proof equipment.
3. Vysvetlenie označenia odolného proti výbuchu:
The ability of an explosive gas mixture to propagate an explosion indicates its level of explosion hazard. The greater the ability to propagate an explosion, the higher the danger. This ability can be represented by the maximum experimental safe gap. Okrem toho, the ease with which explosive gases, výpary, or mists can be zapálené also indicates the level of explosion hazard, represented by the minimum igniting current ratio. Class II explosion-proof or intrinsic safety electrical equipment is further classified into IIA, IIB, and IIC based on their applicable maximum experimental safe gap or minimum igniting current ratio.
Table 2 Relationship between the Group of Explosive Gas Mixtures and the Maximum Experimental Safe Gap or Minimum Igniting Current Ratio
Plynová skupina | Maximálna testovacia bezpečnostná medzera MESG (m m) | Minimálny pomer zapaľovacieho prúdu MICR |
IIA | MESG ≥ 0,9 | MICR>0,8 |
IIB | 0.9>MESG≥0.5 | 0.8≥MICR≥0,45 |
IIC | 0.5≥MESG | 0.45>MICR |
4. teplotná skupina:
The ignition teplota of an explosive gas mixture is the limit temperature at which it can be ignited.
Electrical equipment is classified into T1 to T6 groups based on their highest surface temperature, ensuring that the maximum surface temperature of the equipment does not exceed the permissible value of the corresponding temperature group. The relationship between temperature groups, equipment surface temperature, and the ignition temperature of horľavý gases or vapors is shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Relationship between Temperature Groups, Equipment Surface Temperature, and Ignition Temperature of Flammable Gases or Vapors
Úroveň teploty IEC/EN/GB 3836 | Najvyššia povrchová teplota zariadenia T [℃] | Teplota vznietenia horľavých látok [℃] |
T1 | 450 | T>450 |
T2 | 300 | 450≥T>300 |
T3 | 200 | 300≥T>200 |
T4 | 135 | 200≥T>135 |
T5 | 100 | 135≥T>100 |
T6 | 85 | 100≥T>8 |
5. Requirements for Setting Markings:
(1) Markings should be prominently placed on the main body of the electrical equipment;
(2) The markings must remain clear and durable under potential chemical corrosion. Markings such as Ex, typ odolný proti výbuchu, kategórii, and temperature group can be embossed or debossed on the visible parts of the casing. The material for the marking plate should be chemically resistant, such as bronze, mosadz, alebo nerezovej ocele.