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IsItNormalforNewlyReplacedCoalGastoMakeaHissingSoundWhenTurnedon|Výkonové charakteristiky

Výkonnostné charakteristiky

Je normálne, že novonahradený uhoľný plyn pri zapnutí vydáva syčivý zvuk?

It’s normal to hear a sound when activating a gas cylinder.

change gas
Plyn, zvyčajne v plynnom stave, je natlakovaný vo valci, aby sa skvapalnil. Opening the cylinder’s valve triggers the conversion of this liquid gas back to its gaseous form via a pressure-reducing valve, a process that generates noise due to pressure changes.

Okrem toho, as gas exits the outlet, it creates friction with the gas pipelines, resulting in a hissing noise. This sound is evident upon opening the gas cylinder and dissipates once the cylinder is closed.



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