Protieksplozijsko varni električni pregledi razlikujejo med trenutno uporabljeno opremo in novo proizvedenimi napravami.
Pregledi se izvajajo v skladu z nacionalnimi standardi GB3836/GB12476 za električne naprave, odporne proti eksplozijam., kar ima za posledico izdajo certifikata protieksplozijske zaščite in poročila o pregledih.
Za opremo, ki že deluje, onsite explosion-proof inspections are carried out following the AQ3009 standard, evaluating both the product and its installation context.
As mandated by the AQ3009-2007 “Varnostni predpisi za električne inštalacije na nevarnih lokacijah,” inspections of explosion-proof electrical equipment’s performance, namestitev, and maintenance must occur triennially through a qualified explosion-proof inspection agency. Any discrepancies found during inspections must be corrected promptly, and both the inspection results and corrective measures must be officially documented with the safety production oversight authorities.