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HowMuchDoesItCosttoInstallanExplosion-ProofLight|Specifikacije namestitve

Specifikacije namestitve

Koliko stane namestitev protieksplozijsko varne luči

Stroški namestitve protieksplozijsko varnih luči se razlikujejo glede na regijo, okolju, sezona, in vrsto svetilke.


Na primer, stroški dela se med Šanghajem in Shanxi razlikujejo, vpliva na stroške namestitve.


Stroški namestitve na visokih konstrukcijah v kemičnih obratih se razlikujejo od stroškov vrtalnih ploščadi.


There’s a difference between winter and summer.

Type of Light Fixture:

Installing standard indoor explosion-proof lights differs from installing explosion-proof streetlights.

Case Study:

Installing explosion-proof lights at a height of 10 meters is considered high-altitude work, requiring aerial work certifications and specialized tools, such as renting a boom lift. These are costs to consider, with each light costing over a thousand yuan. Vendar, if multiple lights are installed, the rental cost can be shared, reducing the cost per light to around five hundred yuan.



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