24 Leto Industrijski protieksplozijsko varni proizvajalec

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


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Zakaj je protieksplozijsko varen puhalnik protieksplozijsko varen

Izraz “protieksplozijsko varen” za bobnaste ventilatorje se nanaša na njihovo zasnovo, ki izolira električne komponente, ki lahko ustvarjajo iskre, loki, in nevarne temperature zaradi okoliških eksplozivnih mešanic plinov med delovanjem. Ta zasnova prav tako preprečuje nastajanje isker, ko posebne situacije povzročijo trenje z ohišjem ventilatorja, thus maintaining safe production practices.

protieksplozijsko odporen ventilator-2
Explosion-proof drum fans are generally categorized into two types: one with both the casing and the impeller made of aluminum alloy and powered by explosion-proof motors; and another where the casing is made of iron sheet or stainless steel with an aluminum alloy impeller, also powered by explosion-proof motors. The use of aluminum alloy in friction areas prevents ignition, fulfilling explosion-proof requirements.

Tipično, explosion-proof motors like BT4 and CT4 are used, with customization options available for high-temperature resistance, odpornost proti koroziji, and variable frequency. These drum fans are ideal for flammable and explosive environments, kot npr zemeljski plin prevoz.



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