23 Tausaga Alamanuia Pa'i-fa'amaonia Gaosi

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Auala Fa'apipi'i

E Fa'afefea ona Uea Molī E Fa'asa'o Pa

Pe a fa'atūina faiga fa'amalama e fa'asa'o pa, e taua tele le mulimulita'i i ta'iala tau uaea mo le fa'amautinoaina o le saogalemu ma le usita'ia o tulaga fa'ata'atia. O se mea manino lea, ta'iala pupuu mo le fa'atinoina lelei o lenei galuega.

explosion proof light wiring
1. Uaea Ala'au Uamea: Fa'aaogā paipa uamea mo uaea uma e puipuia ai so'o se uaea mai le fa'aalia. O fea e fai ai feso'ota'iga, employ explosion-proof junction boxes to maintain the integrity of the setup.

2. Explosion-Proof Flexible Conduit Wiring: When connecting junction boxes to lighting fixtures, use explosion-proof flexible conduits. Cables should be routed internally through these conduits to maintain safety standards.

3. Wiring in Areas with Lower Hazard Levels: In locations with a lower risk of explosions, it’s permissible to use sheathed cable wiring. Peitai, ensure that these cables meet explosion-proof criteria. When passing the cable through the lighting fixture’s interface, seal it with a compression nut to maintain the explosion-proof standard.


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