24 Gore Industrial Kuputika-Uchapupu Mugadziri

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Product Selection

Nzira Yekusarudza Hunhu Hwakanaka Kuputika-Ufakazi Hwemwenje

1. LED Hupenyu Hwakanaka:

Mwenje we LED unoputika-uchapupu wakashongedzerwa ne premium ma LEDs anopa hupenyu hunoshamisa hwekusvika 50,000 maawa, kuve nechokwadi chekuvimbika kwenguva refu uye kuita.

kuputika chiratidzo chiedza-2

2. Power Supply Kutendeseka:

The caliber of the LED explosion-proof light’s power supply directly influences the longevity and efficiency of the LED source. Opting for a high-quality power supply minimizes LED degradation.

3. Robust Protection Standards:

Assess the protection level of LED explosion-proof lights by examining the casing’s ability to withstand water, huruva, ngura, uye kuputika, ensuring safety and durability in hazardous environments.

4. Efficient Heat Management:

Consider the heat dissipation capabilities of LED explosion-proof lights to maintain optimal performance and extend the life of the lighting system.



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