23 Gore Industrial Kuputika-Uchapupu Mugadziri

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Performance Characteristics

Rufu Rungangove Mukati 10 Mamita eAcetylene Kuputika

Musanganiswa weacetylene uye oksijeni, kana ikatungidza uye inokonzera chiyero chegasi cylinder kuputika, zvinoguma nekufa kumwe mukati me radius yemamita gumi. Kunze kwenjodzi yekurohwa necylinder shrapnel, the immediate negative pressure and the blast wave from the explosion are powerful enough to be deadly.

acetylene cylinder-2
I personally consider a distance of up to 20 meters from the explosion to be fatal. This scenario is exceedingly perilous.



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