23 Gore Industrial Kuputika-Uchapupu Mugadziri

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Zvinotaurwa Nezvehunyanzvi

There Are Several Types of Explosion-Proof Lights

Explosion-proof lights, distinct from other explosion-proof electrical equipment, can be categorized into five types of explosion-proof methods: inodzivirira moto, kuwedzera kuchengeteka, kumanikidza kwakanaka, isina-sparking, and dust. Zvisinei, these five methods are not exhaustive.

Kuputika Uchapupu TypeGasi Rinoputika-chiratidzo SymbolGuruva Rinoputika-Chiratidzo
Intrinsically Safe Typeia,ib,icia,ib,ic,iD
Barotropic Typepx,py,pz,pxb,pyb,pZcp;pb,pc,pD
Kuwedzera Kuchengetedzwa Typee,eb/
Flameproof Typed,db/
Mafuta Akanyudzwa Typeo/
Jecha Rakazara Moldq,qb/
Special TypeS/
Shell Dziviriro Type/yakatarisana,tb,tc,tD

Due to the wide range of applications for explosion-proof lights, there are numerous varieties, including a special type that combines multiple explosion-proof methods.



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