24 Gore Industrial Kuputika-Uchapupu Mugadziri

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Performance Characteristics

Chii Chinoputika-Chiratidzo Mwenje Dziviriro Kubva

Kuvheneka-kupenya-kuvheneka kwakagadzirwa kudzivirira mukati memoto, arcs, magasi anopisa, neguruva, nokudaro vachitevedzera mitemo yakasimba yekudzivirira kuputika.

Mwenje idzi dzinowana kushandiswa kwakakura munzvimbo dzakasiyana siyana kusanganisira kugadzira, storage, uye mabasa ekununura, kunyanya inoratidzira LED masosi kuti ipe yakapfava, kupenya kusingavhenekeki kunowedzera kushanda zvakanaka. Classified by their light source, structural design, and application methods, explosion-proof lights cater to specific needs based on their rated safety levels.

Uyezve, in the event of power outages, emergency models are capable of transitioning into an emergency lighting mode to maintain continuous safety and visibility.



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