Kazhinji, vanhu vanobvunza nezve kudziya kwesimba rekuputika-proof air conditioners munguva yechando uye neyakakwana tembiricha marongero emabasa avo ekudziya.. Muchokwadi, kuchengetedza tembiricha yekudziya yemhepo inoputika-inodzivirira mhepo iri pakati pe18 ~ 20 ℃ ndiyo yakanaka. Inovimbisa kunyaradza, inoderedza kusiyanisa kwekushisa kwemukati-kunze, inochengetedza simba, and prevents the increased power consumption associated with higher temperatures.
As the chilly winter season approaches, many users turn to explosion-proof air conditioners for warmth to stave off the cold. Zvakadaro, setting the tembiricha is an art; too much heat can be intolerable.
It’s common knowledge that in the summer, explosion-proof air conditioners are set between 26~28℃, but what about in the winter? Experts recommend a winter setting of 18~20℃ for explosion-proof air conditioners, as people usually wear more layers during the cold. Setting the temperature too high could lead to discomfort and a significant temperature differential between indoors and outdoors, increasing the likelihood of catching a cold upon exiting. Uyezve, continuous operation of the external unit escalates the energy consumption of the air conditioner inoputika.