Over a prolonged period, mafeefeya anodzivirira kuputika anounganidza huruva mukati memumba uye masefa emhangura, zvichikonzera kunhuwa. Kana yaitwa, munhuwi uyu unopararira mumhepo. Uyezve, mwando unowanzogara mukati mechikamu mushure mekutonhora. Pasina kuoma kwakakwana uye anti-mold features, the air conditioner’s abrupt shutdown perpetuates this dampness, eventually culminating in a persistent musty smell.
Muzviitiko zvakadaro, what’s the best course of action? For newer air conditioners with mere dust on panels and vents, a simple wipe-down by users suffices. Removing and rinsing the filter with water can swiftly eliminate odors. For older units, engaging a professional after-sales cleaning service is advisable for a comprehensive cleanse, enhancing air quality and freshness.