Iyo CT6 kuputika-chiratidzo kupatsanurwa kwakakwira zvakanyanya. Mhando mbiri idzi dzakasarudzwa seKirasi C maererano nekuchengetedzwa kwekuputika, ine T5 uye T6 inoratidza huwandu hwepamusoro tembiricha yemidziyo.
Kupisa boka remidziyo yemagetsi | Maximum inobvumirwa kupisa kwepamusoro kwezvigadzirwa zvemagetsi (℃) | Gasi / vapor ignition tembiricha (℃) | Inoshanda mudziyo tembiricha mwero |
T1 | 450 | >450 | T1~T6 |
T2 | 300 | >300 | T2~T6 |
T3 | 200 | >200 | T3~T6 |
T4 | 135 | >135 | T4~T6 |
T5 | 100 | >100 | T5~T6 |
T6 | 85 | >85 | T6 |
Sarudzo kubva kuT1 kuenda kuT6 inotungamirwa neinopenya mapoinzi ezvinhu zvine njodzi, with T6 providing greater safety compared to T5, thus suitable for a broader range of hazardous environments. The appropriate rating is determined based on factors such as the power output, heat generation, and the flash points of the hazardous materials involved.