Soo saarista iyo baaxadda shahaadooyinka ilaalinta qaraxa iyo badbaadada dhuxusha ayaa aad u kala duwan.
Soo saarista, Shahaadada caddaynta qaraxa waxaa si toos ah u siya Xarunta Kormeerka iyo Kormeerka Tayada Alaabta Korontada ama maamulada kale ee khuseeya. Taas bedelkeeda, the coal safety certificate is exclusively issued after inspection by the National Safety Mark Center, marking a substantial distinction.
Regarding the scope, the explosion-proof certificate is designed for environments with qarxa hazardous gases and is predominantly used in Class II locations. Taa lidkeeda, the coal safety certificate is strictly for use in Class I environments, where gaseous explosive hazards like methane ku badan yihiin.