24 Qarxinta Warshadaha Sannadka - Soo saaraha Caddeynta

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com



Ma nalalka Saddex-Caddaynta Qarxinta-nalalka caddaynaya

Tri-Proof Lights

Tri-proof lights are designed to be waterproof, boodhka celinaya, iyo daxalka u adkaysta. Guud ahaan, waxaa loo isticmaali karaa jawi aan shuruudo gaar ah lahayn. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, kuma habboona in lagu isticmaalo deegaan khataro gaar ah leh, sida gaaska sunta ah ama gaasaska khatarta ah ee marmarka qaarkood. Xaaladahan oo kale, nalalka aan qarxin waa in la doortaa.

tri proof light

Qarax-Nalalka Cadaynta

Explosion-proof lights are those that do not produce sparks. They are used in hazardous locations with guban kara gases and dust, preventing ignition of the surrounding atmosphere by electric arcs, dhimbiil, iyo heerkulka sare, taas oo buuxinaysa shuruudaha aan qarxin.

There are many types of explosion-proof lights, including LED explosion-proof lights, ololka celin nalalka, explosion-proof floodlights, explosion-proof spotlights, explosion-proof fluorescent lights, and explosion-proof streetlights.

Sidaa darteed, before making a purchase, it’s crucial to understand the surrounding environment and then decide accordingly.



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