Haddii aag u baahan tahay in lagu rakibo aaladaha koronto ee aan qarxin boodhka, Heerarka aan qarxin ee qalabka Aagga 20 waa in uu dhaafaa kuwa looga baahan yahay Aagagga 21 iyo 22.
Aagga 20 | Aagga 21 | Aagga 22 |
An explosive environment in the air that continuously appears in the form of combustible dust clouds, exists for a long time or frequently. | Places where explosive environments in the air may appear or occasionally appear in the form of combustible dust clouds during normal operation. | In the normal operation process, an explosive environment in the air in the form of combustible dust clouds is impossible to occur in places where the instrument exists for a short period of time. |
Gaar ahaan, ee Zone 20, Aalado ammaan ah oo gudaha ah oo keliya ama la duubay ayaa la oggol yahay, iyadoo aan la ogolayn qalabka aan ololka lahayn.