24 Qarxinta Warshadaha Sannadka - Soo saaraha Caddeynta

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InstallationAtlasofExplosion-ProofDistributionBox|Sawirro Farsamo

Sawirada Farsamada

Rakibaadda Atlas ee Sanduuqa Qaybinta Caddeynta Qarxa

Fahamka rakibaadda sanduuqyada qaybinta ee aan qarxin ayaa muhiim u ah hubinta badbaadada korantada ee warshadaha. Aqoonta jaantusyada rakibaaddooda iyo fiilooyinka fiilooyinka ayaa lama huraan u ah in si cad loo fahmo sanduuqyada qaybinta aan qarxin ee loogu talagalay isticmaalka guriga.

Tixgelinta Muhiimka ah:

1. Sanduuqyada qaybinta ee aan qarxin waxay ku yimaadaan daasadaha birta iyo caagagga ah, available in surface-mounted and concealed types. The box must be intact and undamaged.

2. Inside the box, the busbar should have separate and intact zero lines, protective dhulka dhigid fiilooyinka, and phase lines, all with good insulation.

3. The mounting frame for the air switch should be smooth and unobstructed, providing ample space.

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4. Install the distribution box in a dry, ventilated area without obstructions for easy access.

5. The box should not be installed too high; the standard installation height is 1.8 meters for convenient operation.

6. The electrical conduit entering the box must be secured with locking nuts.

7. If the distribution box needs to be drilled, ensure the hole edges are smooth and polished.

8. When embedding the box in a wall, ensure it is vertical and horizontal, leaving a 5 ku 6 mm gap around the edges.

9. Wiring inside the box should be orderly and neat, with terminal screws tightly secured.

10. Each circuit’s incoming wires must be sufficiently long and free of joints.

11. Label each circuit with its purpose after installation.

12. Clean any residual materials from inside the distribution box after installation.

Wiring diagrams are indispensable during installation. Several diagrams have been prepared for your reference:

Wiring Diagrams

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Sanduuqa Qaraxyada Qarxinta Qaddarka
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It’s crucial to diligently learn these wiring methods and precautions, adhering strictly to standards for proper and safe wiring.



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