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IsDeathLikelyWithin10MetersofanAcetyleneExplosion|Tilmaamaha Waxqabadka

Tilmaamaha Waxqabadka

Dhimashadu Ma Dhex Yaala 10 Mitirrada Qaraxa Acetylene

Isku dhafka acetylene iyo ogsijiinta, haddii ay shido oo ay keento in gaaska caadiga ah uu qarxo, waxay keentaa dhimasho gaar ah oo dhexroorka toban mitir ah. Marka laga reebo khatarta ah in lagu dhufto shrapel dhululubo, the immediate negative pressure and the blast wave from the explosion are powerful enough to be deadly.

acetylene cylinder-2
I personally consider a distance of up to 20 meters from the explosion to be fatal. This scenario is exceedingly perilous.



Hel Xigasho ?