Qaboojiyaha caadiga ah ee Giriigga ayaa ka maqan awood aan qarxin. Gree doesn’t produce explosion-proof models; kuwa laga heli karo suuqa waa unugyo asalka Greek, lagu beddelay wax ka beddello lagu raacayo heerarka qaranka ee aan qarxin.
Inta badan qaboojiyeyaasha aan qaraxu karin waxaa dib u habeeyey warshado u heellan qalabka korontada ee aan qarxin. Asal ahaan, they are conventional Gree or Midea air conditioners revamped for explosion-proof functionality and subsequently accredited by certification bodies.
Common air conditioner brands such as Gree, Midea, and Haier are often purchased by these manufacturers and undergo modifications. This process essentially rebrands them under their own labels.