Hab-socodka isku-dhafka qaab-dhismeedka ee qalabka korantada ee aan qarxin ayaa ugu horreyn tilmaamaya ku habboonaanta hawlaha isu-ururinta, oo lagu garto awoodda in si habsami leh loo ururiyo qaybaha iyada oo aan la gacangelin, wax ka beddelka farsamada, iyo iyadoo la hubinayo u hoggaansanaanta qeexitaannada naqshadeynta. Dhisidda aan fiicnayn ee golaha dhexdiisa waxay u horseedi kartaa caqabado la taaban karo, sometimes requiring manual repairs or alterations, occasionally hindering installation, prolonging the assembly duration, and impacting the overall product quality.
Xagga xudunta u ah, the structural assembly process safeguards the design integrity of the product. The processability is assessed post-design completion, and significant alterations by operators are not feasible during assembly. Sidaa awgeed, rigorous scrutiny in the design phase is crucial and demands utmost attention.