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WhatIstheDifferenceBetweenTriProofLightsandExplosion-ProofLights|Tilmaamaha Waxqabadka

Tilmaamaha Waxqabadka

Waa maxay Farqiga u dhexeeya Saddexda Nalalka Cadaynta iyo Qaraxyada-Nalalka Cadaynta

Nalalka aan saddex-cadayn, loo aqoonsaday in ay biyuhu ka celinayaan, boodhka celinaya, iyo awoodaha ka hortagga daxalka, u taagan si ka duwan nalalka aan qarxin, kuwaas oo ugu horeyn loogu talagalay in lagu joojiyo dhimbilaha. Inkasta oo moodooyinka aan qarxin qaarkood ay ku jiraan sifooyin saddex-caddayn ah, nalalka saddex-celiska ah ayaa sida caadiga ah ka maqan sifooyin aan qarxin. Garashada nuxurka labada u dhexeeya waxay u baahan tahay in la fahmo qeexitaankooda.

iftiinka caddaynta qaraxa-1

Nalalka aan qarxin

Explosion-proof lights cater to hazardous locales permeated by guban kara gases and dust. They are engineered to counteract potential ignitions caused by internal arcs, dhimbiil, and elevated temperatures, thus adhering to explosion-proof mandates. Referred to also as explosion-proof fixtures or illumination lights, these unitsspecifications vary according to the combustible environment, as outlined in the GB3836 and IEC60079 standards.

1. Compatible with Zones 1 iyo 2 gudaha qarxa jawiga gaaska.

2. Ku haboon IIA, IIB, and IIC explosive gas classifications.

3. Designed for Zones 20, 21, iyo 22 gudaha siigo guban kara goobaha.

4. Appropriate for environments within the T1-T6 heerkulka kala duwan.

Nalalka aan saddex-cadayn

Tri-proof lights epitomize resilience against water, siigada, iyo daxalka. Utilizing specific anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion materials coupled with silicone seals, they fulfill stringent protective criteria. These lights are equipped with corrosion-resistant, biyo ma galeen, and oxidation-resistant circuit control boards. Advanced temperature-controlled circuits are employed to mitigate power converter heat, complemented by robust electrical isolation and double-insulated connectors, guaranteeing circuit integrity and dependability. Tailored to their operational milieu, these lightsprotective casings receive nano spray plastic treatments for enhanced moisture and corrosion resistance, staunchly barring dust and water ingress.

Predominantly deployed in industrial areas prone to corrosion, siigada, and rainfall — such as power plants, steelworks, petrochemical sites, maraakiibta, and parking facilities — tri-proof lights are designed to endure harsh conditions, thus prolonging their service life.

The intrinsic design divergence lies in their intent: explosion-proof lights are dedicated to environmental safety, whereas tri-proof lights are committed to preserving their operational longevity. Nalalka LED-ka, when subjected to dustproofing, biyo celin, and explosion-proofing (ka-hortagga daxalka) treatments, can effectively function as tri-proof lighting solutions.



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