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Heerka Qarxinta-Caddaynta Ayaa Sare,BT4orCT6|Tilmaamaha Farsamada

Tilmaamaha Farsamada

Heerka Caddeynta Qarxa Keebaa Sare, BT4 ama CT6

Qaabka BT4 waxa lagu sifeeyay heerka B ee aan qarxin karin oo leh heer kulka T4, stipulating that the equipment’s surface temperature cannot exceed 135°C.

Heerka Iyo HeerkaHeerkulka Dabka Iyo Kooxda
-T;450450≥T:300300≥T 200200≥T:135135≥T 100100≥T 85
IIAEthane, Propane, Acetone, Phenethyl, Ene, Aminobenzene, Toluene, Benzene, Ammonia, Kaarboon monoksaydh, Ethyl acetate, Acid acidButane, Ethanol, Propylene, Butanol, Acid acid, Butyl Ester, Amyl Acetate Acetic AnhydridePentane, Hexane, Heptane, Decane, Octane, Shidaal, Hydrogen Sulfide, Cyclohexane, Shidaal, Kerosene, Naaftada, BatroolkaEter, Acetaldehyde, TrimethylamineEthyl Nitrite
IIBPropylene, Acetylene, Cyclopropane, Coke Oven GaasEpoxy Z-Alkane, Epoxy Propane, Butadiene, EthyleneDimethyl Ether, Isprene, Hydrogen SulfideDiethylether, Dibutyl Ether
IICGaaska Biyaha, HydrogenAcetyleneKaarboon DisulfideEthyl Nitrate

Taa lidkeeda, Qaabka CT6 waxa uu hayaa heerka C heerka-iska-caabbinta qaraxa, covering the requirements of BT4 and applicable to zones with dangerous gases like hydrogen and acetylene. T6 equipment must maintain a surface temperature no higher than 85°C.

Dhanka heerkulka categories, T6 represents the highest safety level, suggesting that a lower equipment surface temperature is preferable.

Natiijo ahaan, CT6 possesses a superior explosion-proof classification.



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