Shidaalku waxa uu leeyahay bar shid ka sarreeya naaftada, inta badan waxaa ugu wacan isbedbedelkeeda sare. Barta tooshkeedu aad buu u hooseeyaa, qiyaastii 28 darajo Celsius.
Barta tooshku waxa lagu qeexaa sida heerkulka saliidda, marka la gaaro kulayl gaar ah oo lagu soo bandhigo olol furan, shido daqiiqad yar. The auto-ignition point refers to the heerkulka where oil ignites upon contacting enough air (ogsijiin).
Caadi ahaan, a lower flash point correlates with a higher auto-ignition point. Sidaa awgeed, gasoline’s flash point is lower than diesel’s, but its auto-ignition point is higher.