23 Qarxinta Warshadaha Sannadka - Soo saaraha Caddeynta

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

WhichOneHastheHigherExplosion-ProofLevel,BT4orCT4|Tilmaamaha Farsamada

Tilmaamaha Farsamada

Midkee Leh Heerka Sare ee Caddeynta Qarxinta, BT4 ama CT4

Kala-soocidda aan qarxin ee qalabka CT4 ayaa ka sarreysa qalabka BT4.

Heerka Iyo HeerkaHeerkulka Dabka Iyo Kooxda
-T;450450≥T:300300≥T 200200≥T:135135≥T 100100≥T 85
IIAEthane, Propane, Acetone, Phenethyl, Ene, Aminobenzene, Toluene, Benzene, Ammonia, Kaarboon monoksaydh, Ethyl acetate, Acid acidButane, Ethanol, Propylene, Butanol, Acid acid, Butyl Ester, Amyl Acetate Acetic AnhydridePentane, Hexane, Heptane, Decane, Octane, Shidaal, Hydrogen Sulfide, Cyclohexane, Shidaal, Kerosene, Naaftada, BatroolkaEter, Acetaldehyde, TrimethylamineEthyl Nitrite
IIBPropylene, Acetylene, Cyclopropane, Coke Oven GaasEpoxy Z-Alkane, Epoxy Propane, Butadiene, EthyleneDimethyl Ether, Isprene, Hydrogen SulfideDiethylether, Dibutyl Ether
IICGaaska Biyaha, HydrogenAcetyleneKaarboon DisulfideEthyl Nitrate

BT4 waxaa loo kala saaraa sida kooxda heerkulka B, halkaasoo heerkulka ugu sarreeya ee qalabka T4 uusan ka badnayn 135 ° C. CT4 waxa ay haysaa darajada heerka C ee ilaalinta qaraxa, marka la barbar dhigo BT4, and is suitable for environments with hazardous gases such as hydrogen and acetylene, maintaining a maximum surface temperature of 135°C.

Scope of Use

BT4 is suitable for common gases including methane, ethane, batroolka, iyo hydrogen sulfiid.

CT4 encompasses a broader range of less common qarxa gaasaska, such as hydrogen and water gas at the CT1 level, acetylene at the CT2 level, and carbon disulfide at the CT4 level.



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