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WhyShouldSprayPaintRoomsUseExplosion-ProofAirConditioners|Xakamaynta lagu dabaqi karo

Baaxadda lagu dabaqi karo

Maxay tahay sababta ay ugu buufinayaan qolalka rinjiga Isticmaalka qaboojiyaha aan qarxin karin

Sababo la xiriira rakibaadda qaboojiyaha aan qarxin ee qolalka rinjiga iyo goobaha waxbarashada, baahida loo qabo qaboojiyaha aan qarxin ee meelaha rinjiyeynta lagu buufiyo waxay ka timid sababahan muhiimka ah ee soo socda:

qaboojiyaha aan qarxin-5

Xakamaynta heerkulka:

Si loo yareeyo khatarta dabka uu dhaliyo kulaylka xad dhaafka ah.

Kahortagga Qaraxyada:

Creating a safe and comfortable work environment is crucial, particularly in enclosed spaces like automotive repair shops and small workshops. These areas are typically saturated with guban kara and explosive gases such as paint vapors, siigada, and turpentine. These solvents, acting as paint thinners, evaporate rapidly post-spraying. When air reaches a certain concentration of these gases, it becomes susceptible to explosions when encountering an ignition source or extreme heat.

Sidaa awgeed, in these environments, not only is the strict prohibition of open flames essential, but also the use of Qalabka korontada ee aan qarxin. This precaution aims to prevent the ignition of flammable air gases by sparks generated during the activation, hawlgal, or shutdown of electrical devices. Current regulations from the national fire department mandate the use of explosion-proof air conditioners in such settings to comply with safety standards.

Explosion-proof air conditioners are increasingly employed across various sectors, emphasizing that safe production is an imperative aspect for businesses.



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