24 Viti Prodhues Industrial kundër Shpërthimit

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

DoMaintenanceFreeLEDExplosion-ProofLightsReallyRequireNoMaintenanceatAll|Metodat e Mirëmbajtjes

Metodat e Mirëmbajtjes

Dritat LED kundër shpërthimit pa mirëmbajtje me të vërtetë nuk kërkojnë fare mirëmbajtje

sigurisht, kërkohet mirëmbajtja. Dritat LED rezistente ndaj shpërthimit janë një produkt që besoj se të gjithë e njohin dhe përdoren shpesh në jetën e përditshme. Megjithatë, për shkak të mungesës së të kuptuarit rreth dritave LED kundër shpërthimit, shumë njerëz bëjnë gabime kur i përdorin ato, which often leads to damage or even explosion incidents.

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Sot, I will give you a detailed explanation of a common misconception about LED explosion-proof lights: they do not require maintenance.

Some consumers believe that LED explosion-proof lights are reliable and high-performance, and they think that they can be used without maintenance for a long time. Megjithatë, this notion is incorrect. Although LED explosion-proof lights are durable, jetëgjatë, efficient, environmentally friendly, and energy-saving, they still require regular maintenance. Prolonged lack of maintenance greatly affects the performance and reduces the lifespan of LED explosion-proof lights.

Long-term neglect of maintenance means that potential safety hazards in the use of LED explosion-proof lights are not addressed promptly. Për më tepër, the installation locations of LED explosion-proof lights are usually hazardous and belong to të ndezshme dhe mjedise shpërthyese. If maintenance is neglected, the sealing performance, rezistenca ndaj korrozionit, and other performance indicators of LED explosion-proof lights will decrease, leading to the occurrence of explosion incidents. Për shembull, the accumulation of dirt and stains on LED explosion-proof lights over a long period can affect the light characteristics and heat dissipation of the lighting fixtures. Prandaj, regular maintenance and repair of LED explosion-proof lights are necessary to effectively extend their lifespan and ensure their stability and reliability during regular use.



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