24 Viti Prodhues Industrial kundër Shpërthimit

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HowtoIncreasetheServiceLifeofExplosion-ProofAirConditioners|Specifikimet e instalimit

Specifikimet e instalimit

Si të rritet jeta e shërbimit të kondicionerëve me rezistencë ndaj shpërthimit

1. Overloading

In instances where manufacturers operate explosion-proof air conditioners continuously for 24 orë, Për shkak të hapësirave të shtrira ato kanë për qëllim të ftohen, Këto njësi shpesh nuk arrijnë të arrijnë temperaturat e dëshiruara, duke çuar në mbingarkesë të zgjatur të kompresorit. Kjo overexertion can culminate in internal electrical failures and burnouts, significantly reducing the air conditioner’s lifespan. Prandaj, it’s crucial to select an explosion-proof air conditioner that aligns with the intended area of use to enhance its performance and longevity.

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2. Collisions

shpeshherë, due to negligence, explosion-proof air conditioners are subject to bumps and collisions, compromising their integrity. Even minor impacts can lead to dents and abrasions on the casing, while more severe encounters can inflict substantial damage, potentially impairing the internal components and the unit’s functionality. Prandaj, it’s imperative to ensure the kondicioner rezistent ndaj shpërthimit is situated and operated in an environment where it is safeguarded from accidental collisions.



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