24 Viti Prodhues Industrial kundër Shpërthimit

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

InstallationSkillsforLEDExplosion-ProofFloodlights|Metoda e instalimit

Metoda e instalimit

Aftësitë e instalimit për dritat LED me rezistencë ndaj shpërthimit

Prozhektorët cilësorë LED rezistent ndaj shpërthimit janë thelbësorë për sigurinë dhe funksionalitetin. Megjithatë, instalimi jo i duhur mund të çojë në probleme operative. Këtu janë aspektet kryesore që duhen marrë parasysh gjatë instalimit të dritave LED të mbrojtura nga shpërthimi:

installation of led explosion proof floodlights

1. Mbani hapësirë ​​të arsyeshme:

Ensure an appropriate distance between each LED floodlight to avoid overcrowding and overheating.

2. Consider Heat Elevation:

Excessive heat in LED explosion-proof floodlights can significantly impact safety. Various factors, including light specifications, hapësirë, and arrangement, affect heat elevation. Për të zbutur këtë:

●Keep an adequate gap between the lights.

●Implement cooling mechanisms near the installation site to reduce heat buildup.

●Ensure proper ventilation in the installation area and use standalone stabilizers.

3. Flammable Material Safety:

Be mindful of të ndezshme materials such as curtains in the vicinity of the installation.

4. Concrete Installations:

When installing on concrete, particularly reinforced concrete, wait until it has fully set. Uncured concrete contains moisture, which can reduce the insulation effectiveness of the floodlights.

5. Follow Manufacturer Guidelines:

Adhere strictly to the manufacturer’s installation and usage instructions. For any uncertainties, consult with the circuit designer or manufacturer promptly.

6. Post-Installation Testing:

Pas instalimit, conduct rigorous performance and safety tests. Only use LED explosion-proof floodlights that have passed these tests for regular operation.



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