24 Viti Prodhues Industrial kundër Shpërthimit

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

SpecificationforMetalMaterialsforExplosion-ProofElectricalEquipment|Specifikimet teknike

Specifikimet teknike

Specifikimi për materialet metalike për pajisjet elektrike kundër shpërthimit

Një aspekt kyç për t'u marrë parasysh për materialet metalike në pajisjet elektrike rezistente ndaj shpërthimit është prirja e tyre për të ndezur përzierjet shpërthyese gaz-ajër përmes shkëndijave mekanike.. Hulumtimet kanë treguar se përbërja e këtyre metaleve luan një rol thelbësor në potencialin e tyre të ndezjes. To prevent the occurrence of mechanical spark ignition in metal enclosures, specific elemental limitations are mandated. The standards for eksplozive mjedise – General Equipment Requirementsspecify the following:

pajisje elektrike rezistente ndaj shpërthimit-1

Klasa I

In producing RPL level MA or Mb pajisje elektrike kundër shpërthimit, the composition of aluminum, magnez, titanium, and zirconium in the enclosure materials must not exceed 15% by mass, and the combined mass percentage of titanium, magnez, and zirconium must not surpass 7.5%.

Klasa II

For Class II explosion-proof electrical equipment production, the total mass percentage of critical elements in enclosure materials varies based on the protection level: For EPLGa equipment, the total content of aluminum, magnez, titanium, and zirconium must not exceed 10%, with magnesium, titanium, and zirconium not exceeding 7.5% in total; For EPLGb equipment, the aggregate content of magnesium and titanium must not exceed 7.5%; In the case of EPLGc equipment, apart from fans, fan covers, and ventilation hole baffles meeting EPLGb standards, there are no additional specific requirements.

Klasa III

In manufacturing Class III explosion-proof electrical devices, the required total mass percentage of pertinent elements in the enclosure materials also varies with the protection level: For EPLDa devices, magnesium and titanium content should not exceed 7.5%; For EPLDb devices, the same limitation applies; For EPLDc devices, apart from fans, fan covers, and ventilation hole baffles adhering to EPLDb criteria, there are no further special requirements.



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