23 Viti Prodhues Industrial kundër Shpërthimit

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WhichOneHastheHigherExplosion-ProofLevel,BT4orCT4|Specifikimet teknike

Specifikimet teknike

Cili ka një nivel më të lartë të provës ndaj shpërthimit, BT4 ose CT4

The explosion-proof classification of CT4 equipment surpasses that of BT4 equipment.

Klasa dhe NiveliTemperatura dhe grupi i ndezjes
-T~ 450450≥T>300300≥T>200200≥T>135135≥T>100100≥T>85
IIAEtani, Propani, Aceton, Fenetil, Ene, Aminobenzen, Tolueni, Benzeni, Amoniaku, Oksid karboni, Etil acetat, Acidi acetikButani, Etanol, Propileni, Butanol, Acidi acetik, Butyl Ester, Anhidridi acetik amil acetatPentani, Heksani, Heptani, Deçani, Oktani, Benzina, Sulfidi i hidrogjenit, Cikloheksani, Benzina, Vajguri, Naftë, NaftaEter, Acetaldehidi, TrimetilaminaNitrit etilik
IIBPropileni, Acetilen, Ciklopropani, Gazi i furrës së koksitEpoksi Z-Alkani, Propan epoksi, Butadieni, EtileniDimetil Eter, Izopreni, Sulfidi i hidrogjenitDietileter, Dibutil Eter
IICGaz uji, HidrogjeniAcetilenDisulfidi i karbonitNitrat etilik

BT4 is classified as a Class B temperature group, where the maximum surface temperature of T4-rated devices does not exceed 135°C. CT4 holds a Class C explosion-proof rating, comparable to BT4, and is suitable for environments with hazardous gases such as hydrogen and acetylene, maintaining a maximum surface temperature of 135°C.

Scope of Use

BT4 is suitable for common gases including methane, ethane, nafte, dhe hidrogjeni sulfide.

CT4 encompasses a broader range of less common eksplozive gazet, such as hydrogen and water gas at the CT1 level, acetylene at the CT2 level, and carbon disulfide at the CT4 level.



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