23 Година Индустријски произвођач отпоран на експлозију

+86-15957194752 аурорацхен@схенхаи-ек.цом

DoestheAirConditionerItselfHaveExplosion-ProofFunction|Техничке карактеристике

Техничке карактеристике

Да ли сам клима уређај има функцију заштите од експлозије

Standard air conditioners inherently lack explosion-proof features.

Explosion-proof air conditioners generally adopt a comprehensive approach to safety. They retrofit standard units with specialized explosion-proof fans and compressors and implement Type D flameproof technology. This effectively seals electronic components inside an explosion-proof casing, offering protection against explosions, corrosion, and dust, and substantially enhancing safety.



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