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HowExplosion-ProofJunctionBoxesDifferfromThreadingBoxes|Техничке карактеристике

Техничке карактеристике

Како се разводне кутије отпорне на експлозију разликују од кутија са навојем

Explosion-proof conduit boxes, primarily designed for threading and branching wires, are essential in contexts where electrical wire lengths are significant. На пример, при спајању три поцинковане цеви, a BHC-G3/4-B three-way explosion-proof conduit box is necessary.

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Насупрот томе, explosion-proof junction boxes house terminal blocks to secure and distribute electrical lines. Unlike conduit boxes, which are typically empty, junction boxes are equipped with functional components.

The conduit boxes fall under the Exe повећана безбедност тип, while junction boxes are categorized as Exd flameproof type. Despite both being 6-section specifications, they differ in weight and structural design.



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