24 Година Индустријски произвођач отпоран на експлозију

+86-15957194752 аурорацхен@схенхаи-ек.цом


Избор производа

Како одабрати материјале за ЛЕД светла отпорна на експлозију

Извор светлости:

Најбољи на тржишту је Црее, следи Пури, а затим Епистар. Приликом избора прибора, it’s best to opt for the top-quality ones and then consider the packaging manufacturer of the LED beads, јер ово гарантује квалитет.

Повер Суппли:

The best choice in the current market is Mean Well. Међутим, as LED power supplies mature and their designs become more reasonable, many LED driver manufacturers are opting for Mean Well power supplies.

Aluminum Base Plate:

Aluminum base plates with thermal conductivity of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, or higher. The specific choice doesn’t necessarily depend on conductivity alone but on the number of beads and corresponding power.

Thermal Paste:

Thermal paste with a conductivity of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, or even higher. The choice of fixtures should similarly consider the actual situation.


Its heat dissipation area determines the overall power. Refer to the thermal parameters of LED light sources.

Сада, with the information provided above, you should have a better understanding of how to choose the materials for LED explosion-proof lights.



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