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TheDifferenceBetweenExplosion-ProofAirConditionersandOrdinaryAirConditioners|Техничке карактеристике

Техничке карактеристике

Разлика између клима уређаја отпорних на експлозију и обичних клима уређаја

Здраво свима! Данас, I’d like to delve into the essence of explosion-proof air conditioning – њени оперативни принципи и предности које нуде. Тржиште је преплављено безброј климатизационих јединица, широко категорисано у стандардне и експлозије-отпорне на типове. Стандардни клима уређаји се обично користе у домовима, whereas explosion-proof ones are essential in industrial settings as a form of електрична опрема отпорна на експлозију.

клима уређај отпоран на експлозију-11
Кина, known for its robust industrial sector, consistently leads in global manufacturing output. The nation’s super factories tirelessly contribute to our daily lives. In such industrial settings, meticulous температура control in production areas is crucial. Explosion-proof air conditioners are specifically engineered for environments at risk of експлозивно гасне мешавине, meeting the stringent safety requirements for areas classified as IIA, ИИБ, and temperature groups T1 to T4.

Обим примене

Explosion-proof air conditioners share the same cooling and heating functionalities as standard air conditioners, with minimal differences in appearance. The primary distinction lies in their deployment environments. Designed for use in combustible and volatile sectors such as petroleum, хемијски, војнички, фармацеутских производа, storage facilities, and oil depots, as well as offshore oil platforms, explosion-proof air conditioners are distinguished by their broad applicability.

Безбедносни стандарди

Another critical difference lies in the electrical control components. Клима уређаји отпорни на експлозију, tailored specifically for hazardous environments, demand stringent standards for ignition prevention, creepage distance, and electrical clearance. Насупрот томе, standard air conditioners merely need to comply with national regulations.

Explosion-proof air conditioners are modified from conventional units, incorporating specialized techniques and thorough explosion-proof testing to ensure isolation. They feature aluminum alloy anti-explosion materials that form a honeycomb structure within the layers, creating numerous small compartments to effectively halt the spread of flames, thereby offering superior thermal insulation and enhancing safety. This structure also boasts high surface efficiency, enabling rapid heat absorption and dissipation, significantly reducing internal temperatures. This mechanism curtails the expansion of gases generated by high temperatures or сагоревање, thus controlling pressure increases within the container. Тренутно, explosion-proof air conditioners are available in various forms, including integrated cabinet, split, and window units, categorized based on their operational environment as high, low, extremely high, or extremely low temperature.



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