23 Година Индустријски произвођач отпоран на експлозију

+86-15957194752 аурорацхен@схенхаи-ек.цом

The Difference Between Explosion-Proof Level BT and CT

Explosion-proof rating:

Explosion-proof equipment with a CT4 rating is classified as Exd IIC T4. BT4 explosion-proof equipment is rated as Exd IIB T4, which is a lower explosion-proof rating than CT4 equipment.

Категорија стањаКласификација гасоваРепрезентативни гасовиМинимална енергија искре за паљење
Под рудникомИМетан0.280мЈ
Фабрике изван рудникаИИАПропан0.180мЈ


CT has the widest range of applicability.

Gas environment:

CT is an explosion-proof rating for acetylene and водоник levels. If there are gases like acetylene or hydrogen in the environment, CT-rated explosion-proof equipment is required. BT-rated equipment is not suitable for acetylene environments and is only considered a moderate ниво отпорности на експлозију.



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