23 Moetsi oa Selemo oa ho phatloha ha indasteri

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Litlhokomelo tsa Thibelo ea Ho phatloha ha Lerōle

1. Moaho Polokeho: Lisebelisoa tse nang le likotsi tsa ho phatloha ha lerōle li tlameha ho feta tlhahlobo ea polokeho ea mollo le ho theha libaka tse khethiloeng tsa ho phatloha ha lerōle tse nang le litšiea-mollo tse lekaneng.. Liofisi, libaka tsa phomolo, polokelo ea lintho tse kotsi, 'me libaka tse lekaneng tsa ho tsoa tsa polokeho li thibetsoe libakeng tsena, le tšireletso e lekaneng ea lehalima e tlameha ho kenngoa.

industrial dust-1
2. Mekhoa e Khethehileng ea ho Rala Lerōle: Dust extraction hoods must be installed at all dust generation points. In spark-prone areas like grinding and polishing, these hoods should connect to the dust extraction system with automatic spark detection alarms, extinguishing devices, or isolation valves. Dust extraction hood openings should have suitable metal mesh to prevent objects from striking the ductwork and generating sparks. Anti-static measures for the dust extraction system, metal ducts, supports, and components are essential, and electrical equipment must be properly earthed.

3. Dust Collector Placement: Generally located outside buildings or on rooftops, dust collectors should have airlock dust discharge devices at the hopper bottom, with monitors for abnormal operation or failure shutdowns, triggering audible and visual alarms in such events.

4. Regular Dust Cleaning: Establish and maintain a robust dust cleaning protocol, detailing timing, libaka, methods, and personnel responsibilities. Ensure a seamless handover during shift changes. Buildings, production equipment, ductwork, dust extraction systems, electrical and monitoring equipment must be cleaned regularly and effectively to prevent dust accumulation. Collected metal dust like aluminum and magnesium should be stored in dry, ventilated, secluded areas with fire extinguishing equipment like dry sand and powder.

5. Explosion Prevention Management: Assign dedicated personnel for metal ho phatloha ha lerole prevention and establish a comprehensive safety management system, including specific training and cleaning protocols. Develop and refine emergency response plans for dust and explosion incidents, conduct targeted training and drills, and regularly maintain and inspect dust-related equipment and extraction systems. Consider explosion containment measures like automatic water curtains to prevent the spread, explosion-proof walls, and pressure relief solutions for facilities prone to dust explosions.

Dust explosions can be enormously powerful and unpredictable, posing significant hazards. Vigilance, strict safety measures, and proactive prevention are crucial for minimizing risks and ensuring a safe production environment.

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