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Explosion-ProofLightsAreDividedintoSeveralLevels|Litlhaloso tsa Tekheniki

Litlhaloso tsa Tekheniki

Mabone a Bopaki ba ho phatloha a arotsoe ka Maemo a 'maloa

Mabone a thibelang ho phatloha a arotsoe ka lihlopha tse tharo: IIA, IIB, le IIC.

khanya ea bopaki ba ho phatloha-9

Sehlopha sa IIA

Suitable for places with gasoline-like substances, joalo ka liteishene tsa khase. Khase e emelang sehlopha sena ke propane.

Sehlopha sa IIB

Used in general factories where hazardous gases are present. Ethylene is the representative gas for this classification.

Class IIC

Designed for factories exposed to haedrojene, acetylene, or carbon disulfide.

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E 'ngoe:

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