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IsDeathLikelyWithin10MetersofanAcetyleneExplosion|Litšobotsi tsa Ts'ebetso

Litšobotsi tsa Ts'ebetso

Na Lefu le ka Etsahala ka Hare 10 Limithara tsa ho phatloha ha Acetylene

Motsoako oa acetylene le oksijene, haeba e hotetsa mme e etsa hore moqomo o tloaelehileng oa khase o phatlohe, e fella ka ho shoa ho itseng ka har'a radius ea limithara tse leshome. Ntle le kotsi ea ho otloa ke li-cylinder shrapnel, the immediate negative pressure and the blast wave from the explosion are powerful enough to be deadly.

acetylene cylinder-2
I personally consider a distance of up to 20 meters from the explosion to be fatal. This scenario is exceedingly perilous.

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