AC jandela-buktina ledakan gaduh desain anu kompak sareng pamasangan anu teu repot. Intina, they’re operational immediately after plugging in, bypassing kabutuhan wiring éksténsif jeung piping diperlukeun ku model ledakan-bukti tradisional. portability maranéhanana mangrupakeun tambah signifikan, utamana pikeun struktur mobile sarta platform gawé. Sajaba, their straightforward circuitry makes troubleshooting and repairs relatively effortless.
Sanajan kitu, these units tend to be noisier than their split-type counterparts and offer suboptimal cooling performance. They’re also less energy-efficient, leading to higher electricity consumption. Improper installation can result in noticeable vibrations, and generally, their lifespan is shorter than that of split-type air conditioners.
The aforementioned drawbacks have contributed to the gradual decline of explosion-proof window air conditioners in the market.