24 Taun Industrial Ledakan-Buktina Produsén

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

AnalysisoftheStructureofLEDExplosion-ProofLight|Karakteristik Performance

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Analisis Struktur Lampu Ledakan-Buktina LED

Let’s delve into the impressive “pagawéan batin” tina kawentar LED lampu ledakan-bukti!

dipingpin lampu buktina ledakan-2

1. Panyerep panas:

Intina lampu-buktina ngabeledug aya dina desain ventilasi konveksi konveksi luhur-handapna canggih.. Hal ieu ngamungkinkeun pikeun expulsion gancang panas internal, mastikeun yén suhu sabudeureun chip LED tetep stabil, thereby prolonging the light’s lifespan.

2. Chip:

These lights use imported, original chips, which are the key to their impressive lifespan of up to 100,000 jam.

3. Enclosure:

The enclosure is crafted from die-cast aluminum alloy, with a surface treated for high-pressure electrostatic protection and corrosion resistance.

4. Light Fixture:

The outstanding dustproof, tahan cai, and corrosion-resistant features of the light fixture stem from its high explosion-proof grade and flameproof rarancang.

This multifaceted support allows us to develop exceptional LED explosion-proof lights at our shenhai explosion-proof!



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