23 Taun Industrial Ledakan-Buktina Produsén

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AnalysisofWaterproofLevelofLEDExplosion-ProofLights|Spésifikasi Téknis

Spésifikasi teknis

Analisis Tingkat Waterproof of LED Ledakan-Buktina Lampu

LED explosion-proof lights have many advantages, with waterproofing being a crucial aspect. Kiwari, many electrical products are designed with waterproof ratings, and different models have varying levels of waterproofing. Janten, are you familiar with the specific details of lower waterproof ratings for LED explosion-proof lights? Lamun henteu, let’s explore it together!

JumlahRentang panyalindunganJelaskeun
0Teu ditangtayunganTaya panyalindungan husus ngalawan cai atawa Uap
1Nyegah titik-titik cai tina soakTitisan cai ragrag vertikal (kayaning condensate) moal ngabalukarkeun karuksakan kana alat-alat listrik
2Nalika dimiringkeun di 15 darajat, titik-titik cai masih bisa dicegah tina soaking diNalika alat didengdekkeun vertikal ka 15 darajat, cai netes moal ngabalukarkeun karuksakan kana alat
3Nyegah cai disemprot tina soaking diNyegah hujan atawa ruksakna alat-alat listrik disababkeun ku cai disemprot dina arah kalawan sudut nangtung kirang ti 60 darajat
4Nyegah cai cipratan tina asupNyegah percikan cai tina sagala arah tina asup kana alat listrik sareng nyababkeun karusakan
5Nyegah cai disemprot tina soaking diNyegah nyemprot cai tekanan rendah anu sahenteuna sahenteuna 3 menit
6Nyegah gelombang badag tina soaking diNyegah nyemprot cai kaleuleuwihan anu tahan sahenteuna sahenteuna 3 menit
7Nyegah immersion cai salila immersionNyegah épék soaking pikeun 30 menit dina cai nepi ka 1 jero méter
8Nyegah immersion cai salila sinkingNyegah épék soaking kontinyu dina cai kalayan jerona ngaleuwihan 1 méter. Kaayaan anu akurat ditangtukeun ku produsén pikeun unggal alat.

LED explosion-proof lights have nine levels of tahan cai ratings, namely: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, jeung 8. Let’s elaborate on each:

0: Taya panyalindungan;

1: Dripping water onto the enclosure has no harmful effect;

2: When the enclosure is tilted up to 15 darajat, dripping water does not have any harmful effect;

3: Water or rain falling at a 60-degree angle to the enclosure does not affect it;

4: Liquid splashing against the enclosure from any direction has no harmful impact;

5: Water jets directed at the enclosure cause no harm;

6: Suitable for use in ship deck environments;

7: Capable of withstanding short durations of immersion in water;

8: Remains waterproof under certain pressure conditions for prolonged immersion.

Ku kituna, lamun purchasing LED lampu ledakan-bukti, you should select a light with the appropriate waterproof rating based on your specific operational environment.



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