Adhering ka tungtunan gudang ditangtoskeun penting pisan. Sadaya produk alkohol, naha dipaké pikeun meresihan botol atawa kaperluan sejenna, kudu disimpen dina cabinets ledakan-bukti.
1. Alkohol needs to be stored in cool, cabinets ventilated, misah ti oxidizers, asam-asam, jeung logam alkali, sareng suhu henteu kedah langkung ti 30 ° C. The cabinets must have static electricity grounding, and if feasible, should be explosion-proof. Each cabinet should not store more than 50L of alcohol.
2. Store alcohol in its original packaging, ensuring it is labeled and sealed to inhibit evaporation.
3. The storage area for alcohol should be situated away from ignition sources (such as open flames, smoking), sumber panas (like electrical equipment), jeung kaduruk bahan, and should have an approved dry powder fire extinguisher available.