24 Taun Industrial Ledakan-Buktina Produsén

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Explosion-ProofAirConditionerSelectionPrinciples|Pilihan Produk

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Ngabeledug-buktina Prinsip Pilihan Air Conditioner

Dumasar tingkat sentralisasi sistem hawa, Sistem AC ngabeledug-bukti utamana digolongkeun kana sistem lokal sareng terpusat. Modél inovatif ieu kompak, Sistim ledakan-bukti pinuh nu bisa flexibly dipasang di kamar AC atawa wewengkon padeukeut sakumaha diperlukeun. Centralized systems are primarily used in extensive and multiple hazardous spaces.

ledakan buktina AC-14
1. Di pasar ayeuna, the selection principles for explosion-proof air conditioning systems must consider the specific environmental conditions, safety performance, and project costs. Safety considerations can be grouped into three areas:

2. When costs are comparable, priority should be given to Class IIC air conditioning products to enhance explosion-proof reliability effectively.
Select a second type of product known for superior explosion-proof performance and reliability. Favor “dikurung” jeung “tekanan positifexplosion-proof structured cooling air conditioning systems.

3. Regarding engineering costs, the principle is to consider overall costs to ensure and improve the safety of the ledakan-bukti hawa conditioner while ensuring the most cost-effective solution. In hazardous dust environments, including those with bubuk mesiu, it’s typical to use fresh air explosion-proof systems where fans interact with dust.



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