Seueur calon pembeli AC anu tahan ngabeledug sering nangkep tangtangan pikeun milih modél anu paling cocog di tengah-tengah seueur pilihan anu aya di pasar.. Let’s delve into the nuances of choosing the right explosion-proof air conditioner, Tujuanana pikeun masihan sababaraha pituduh pikeun prosés-nyieun kaputusan anjeun.
1. Variety of Explosion-Proof Types
An explosion-proof air conditioner, by virtue of its distinct structure and functionality, is inherently a composite of various explosion-proof types rather than a singular form. Contona, the designation Exdibme IIBT3 incorporates multiple types like the flameproof “d”, kaamanan intrinsik “abdi”, enkapsulasi “m”, jeung ngaronjat kaamanan “e.
2. Hazardous Location Categories and Ignition Temperatures
The selection of an ledakan-bukti hawa conditioner hinges on the principles of choosing suitable explosion-proof electrical apparatuses:
1. The application zone is determined based on the minimal jenis ngabeledug-bukti. Salaku conto, an air conditioner marked Exdibme IIBT3 is appropriate only for Zone 1 atawa 2.
2. In environments with multiple gases, the choice should be based on the highest category of the electrical equipment and the lowest suhu grup. If pentana (IIA, T3) and ethylene (IIB, T2) are potential hazards, the air conditioner should conform to the IIBT3 specification.
Cooling and Heating Capacity Parameters
The selection of cooling and heating capacities, along with the type (wall-mounted, cabinet, or built-in), should be determined by considering the size of the area, its insulation properties, any existing heat sources, and the specific installation requirements of the air conditioner.