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HowtoJudgetheAuthenticityoftheInstallation,OverhaulandMaintenanceQualificationCertificateforExplosion-ProofElectricalEquipment|Spésifikasi Téknis

Spésifikasi teknis

Kumaha Nangtoskeun Kaaslian Pamasangan, Overhaul sareng Sertipikat Kualifikasi Pangropéa pikeun Peralatan Listrik Buktina Ledakan

Kualifikasi pikeun instalasi, palayanan, jeung pangropéa pakakas listrik ngabeledug-bukti digolongkeun kana dua jenis: sertipikat perusahaan sareng sertipikat individu.

explosion proof electrical equipment-15
Unggal sertipikat dipasihan nomer sertipikat anu béda. This number enables the verification of the certificate’s legitimacy by checking with the issuing authority.



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