Kelas IIB cocog pikeun lingkungan dimana aya campuran ngabeledug tina gas IIB sareng hawa.
Golongan gas/grup suhu | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6 |
IIA | Formaldehida, toluén, métil éster, asetilena, propana, aseton, asam akrilik, bénzéna, stirena, karbon monoksida, étil asétat, asam asétat, klorobenzena, métil asétat, klorin | Métanol, étanol, étilbénzéna, propanol, propiléna, butanol, butil asétat, amil asétat, siklopentana | Pentana, pentanol, heksana, étanol, heptana, oktana, sikloheksanol, terpentin, nafta, minyak bumi (kaasup béngsin), minyak suluh, pentanol tetraklorida | Asétaldehida, trimétilamin | Étil nitrit | |
IIB | Propilén éster, dimétil éter | Butadiena, epoxy propana, étiléna | Dimétil éter, akrolein, hidrogén karbida | |||
IIC | hidrogén, gas cai | Asetilena | Karbon disulfida | Étil nitrat |
Klasifikasi tahan ledakan dibagi kana tingkat primér pikeun pertambangan sareng tingkat sekundér pikeun pabrik. Dina tingkat sekundér, sub-klasifikasi kaasup IIA, IIB, jeung IIC, dina urutan naek tina kamampuhan ngabeledug-bukti: IIA < IIB < IIC. The 'T' category denotes suhu kelompok. A ‘T’ rating implies that the equipment maintains a surface temperature below 135°C, with T6 being the optimal safety level, advocating for as low a surface temperature as possible.
Pamustunganana, this explosion-proof product is designed as an intrinsik aman electrical device, intended for use with Class B gases where the surface temperature does not exceed 135°C.