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OperatingEnvironmentTemperatureofExplosion-ProofElectricalEquipment|Spésifikasi Téknis

Spésifikasi teknis

Suhu Lingkungan Operasi tina Alat-alat Listrik Ledakan-Buktina

Perlu dipikanyaho yén kaayaan lingkungan kerja alat listrik penting pisan pikeun panggunaan anu aman, kalawan suhu ambient keur faktor signifikan pikeun operasi aman maranéhanana. Sanajan kitu, unggal alat listrik kedah gaduh suhu lingkungan operasional anu khusus. Ngeunaan parabot listrik ngabeledug-bukti, standar nasional GB3836.1 “Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres Part 1: Sarat umum” stipulates an operating temperature range of -20 to +40°C.

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If the operating environment temperature of alat-alat listrik ngabeledug-bukti exceeds this specified range, manufacturers must accurately indicate this temperature range on the product’s nameplate. Saterasna, this information should be clearly Adescribed in relevant user documentation, such as the instruction manual.

It is important to note that when designers set certain performance specifications for a product, they consider the actual operating environmental conditions. If the actual operating environment differs from the designed environment, the product may not achieve its performance specifications and could be severely damaged. Operators should be aware that for explosion-proof electrical equipment, operating in temperatures beyond the specified range might impact some of the explosion-proof safety features.



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