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PrecautionsforAssemblyofPositivePressureEquipment|Spésifikasi Téknis

Spésifikasi teknis

Pancegahan pikeun Majelis Alat Tekanan Positip

1. Pastikeun integritas kandang tekanan-positip, ogé pipa sareng saluran pangiriman gas pelindung.

explosion proof positive pressure cabinet-2
2. Pasang alat deteksi aliran sareng tekanan di lokasi anu ngajamin aliran minimum sareng deteksi tekanan, as per the equipment’s operational requirements.

3. Dumasar spésifikasi desain, properly install units within the positive-pressure enclosure that have ignition capabilities, along with flow directors and spark and hot particle baffles.

4. In accordance with design requirements, correctly install the protective gas delivery pipelines at the equipment’s inlet and outlet, ensuring they are not misplaced or incorrectly installed.



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