23 Taun Industrial Ledakan-Buktina Produsén

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

RoutineInspectionItemsforExplosion-ProofElectricalEquipment|Métode Pangropéa

Métode Pangropéa

Item Inspection rutin pikeun Alat-alat Listrik Ledakan-Buktina

Alat-alat listrik ngabeledug penting pisan dina lingkungan anu bahaya, tapi kurangna pangropéa komprehensif kana waktu bisa ngahurungkeun kana resiko a, negating tujuan preventif na.

explosion proof electrical equipment-13
1. Ngalaksanakeun tinjauan prosedur pamariksaan umum.

2. Assess kotak simpang, alat garis asup, kotak segel pelindung, panyambungna angled pikeun tightness, ningkatna aman, and adherence to explosion-proof standards.

3. Evaluate the level of corrosion on motors, alat-alat listrik, instrument panels, and the equipment itself, ensuring screws are securely fastened and interlock mechanisms function properly.

4. For oil-immersed explosion-proof equipment, verify that oil level indicators, drainage systems, and gas venting structures remain clear and leak-free, with an installation incline not exceeding 5 darajat.

5. Ensure that the internal air pressure of pressurized explosion-proof equipment meets or exceeds the values indicated on the equipment label, and that the pressure cut-off alarm system is responsive.

6. Check cables for looseness, vibration-induced damage, and signs of corrosion.

7. Beyond explosion-proof specifications, maintain the equipment in optimum condition in accordance with general electrical equipment standards.



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